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By Kybor | Apr 30 2024 | Merida Brokerage Reviews

3 Best Merida Real Estate Companies

Merida, Mexico

Who are the top three Merida Real Estate companies?

1. TrustFirst Merida Real Estate

2. Mexico International Real Estate

3. Merida Living Real Estate

Hi, my name is Kybor with TrustFirst and today we're going to cover the three top Merida Real Estate companies and why.

Don't be fooled by "Cerveza agents" pretending to know the local laws and Spanish, looking for an easy commission.
Work with a seasoned Yucatan Real Estate Professional.

TrustFirst Merida Real Estate

The first one is TrustFirst Merida Real Estate. We won't spend too much time on this one since there's a huge bias. See, I’m with TrustFirst real estate. TrustFirst is actually a team name underneath Mexico International real estate.

This is a screenshot of the website for top real estate brokerage in Merida

Why is TrustFirst at the top of the list?

TrustFirst is comprised of Merida Realtors that are young, hungry and tech-savvy. We may live in a retirement destination but we're not at that age yet and we're not looking to slow down and we're not looking to adopt the pace that is common to the yucatecan lifestyle just yet.We're still young and full of energy and we're really trying to serve our clients as quick as possible.


You have all kinds of agents here and most of them are wonderful. You have a lot of people that are doing this part time to supplement their their pension or whatever have you and that's great. But if you're looking for an agent to really be on the ball and be booking the showings for you ASAP and communicating with you as soon as you send them a whatsapp message or a call or an email and you want that rapid response and you don't want to miss out on properties or showings because your agent may be a bit more laid back than what you're looking for, then TrustFirst is likely your your first option. Our most important thing here are our promises and keeping them and keeping you and your money safe.

Mexico International Real Estate

The second best option on the list is Mexico International. Mexico International is really one of the oldest standing real estate companies in the Yucatan and Merida, and as such it has a reputation, right?


You can see all its Google reviews, its Facebook reviews and a lot of other brokerages enjoy working with Mexico International Real Estate because they know that when they enter into a deal with Mexico International they're gonna get paid.They're not gonna get ripped off, the listing is for real, the agents are for real and they've been around for 30 years.So people have that additional confidence when they know that you know their agent is cooperating with Mexico International and Mexico International just has such a heavy heavy reputation of quality.

This is the screenshot for the Mexico Internationl website. They're a high end real estate brokerage in Merida.

They’ve worked with the big families, they've sold the Hacienda’s, sold the big businesses. They've just been around for so long and Mitch has really developed a high quality brand over the last 30 years.

Merida Living Real Estate

The the third option is Merida Living Real Estate. Now, their crown jewel you could say, is Carlos Betancourt. and he really is top notch to deal with.He is very good at communicating. We've all suffered bad communication. People reading your WhatsApp messages and not responding or, you know, taking a day to respond.


Having personally interacted with him I can say he's a he's a great guy. You may know that WhatsApp's double blue check mark is a symbol that somebody has received and read your text message, which is a great feature. But Carlos takes the time to say”message received” even if there's no actionable item on it for him. This is something that I do as well, but you have to recognize competence in your counterpart and I think Carlos does that very well.

This is a screenshot of the merida living real estate website. One of the best brokerages in merida yucatan.

Merida Living Real Estate has a nice selection of listings as well. Kind of like Mexico International, Although they haven't been around as long.When other agents see that a listing is with Merida Living, they do get a sense of comfort that isn’t always felt with rogue agents. They're at the top of Google and most agents that are true agents and putting through a lot of business recognize them and are happy to deal with them.


When considering the top Merida real estate companies, three names stand out: TrustFirst Merida Real Estate, Mexico International Real Estate, and Merida Living Real Estate.


TrustFirst operates under Mexico International, offering young, tech-savvy agents who prioritize quick responses and efficient service. With TrustFirst, clients can expect a dynamic approach and a focus on keeping promises.


Mexico International Real Estate, with over 30 years of experience, boasts a reputation for reliability and quality service. Known for handling prestigious transactions, they provide confidence to clients and brokerages alike.


Merida Living Real Estate, led by Carlos Betancourt, excels in communication and personalized attention. Despite being newer, they have quickly gained recognition for their professionalism and quality listings.


When choosing among these companies, it's essential to consider your communication preferences and the level of service you desire. Whether you prioritize fast-paced communication or a more laid-back approach, each company offers unique strengths to ensure a positive experience. Take the time to interview agents and find the right fit for your needs and expectations.At TrustFirst, we pride ourselves on our swift responses and commitment to delivering on promises, no matter how small. We encourage our agents to uphold these standards, ensuring a seamless experience for our clients.

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Article By

Kybor | 📚

Kybor is a an experienced Merida Real Estate Agent and seasoned entrepreneur in both the transportation and construction sectors with an aptitude for languages. Having spent 6 years of his youth in the Yucatan, he is adept at conversing and communicating with local without them knowing he is not of latino heritage.


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